Learning Stories
I had the opportunity to observe and interact with two preschool classrooms at a Nashville research early childhood education center*. The School Uses Creative Curriculum as its primary curriculum and services children from birth to kindergarten in inclusive classrooms.
The two classrooms I observed and interacted with were The Squirell Friends* ( two to three years old) and The Happy Horses* (three to four years old).
In the Squirrel Friends classroom, I observed the classroom coming in from outdoor recess, during circle time, and during group lessons.
In the Happy Horses group, I observed the classroom transitioning out of nap time, during snack time, and during free play center exploration.
* The names of the school and the classrooms have been changed for the privacy of the students and facility.
The Squirrel Friends
My observation of the Squirrel Friends corresponded with their four-week study on lights. This learning story recounts how the Squirrel Friends' unit on exploring different kinds of lights.
I created a learning story to document student learning, showing how knowledge built off of itself to help the students form a well-rounded scheme of lights ranging from headlamps to rainbows.
The Happy Horses
While I did not observe the Happy Horses in any formal instructional periods, the snack times were a very educational environment for understanding the ways in which children socialize, solve problems, and engage with one another.
At this age, the students are discovering their own personal boundaries and navigating those, too, set by their peers. These are complex social dynamics to learn! While some degree of conflict is inevitable at this age, The Happy Horses displayed conversational skills to resolve problems with peers. I created an infographic of conversation starters for conflict resolution based on the exemplary communication from The Happy Horses.